If you love whales, raise your hand. You should all be raising your hands. Whales are amazing! I have a not so secret love for the whale species. This leads us to a very fun and exciting adventure to the New Bedford National Whaling Museum.Thank you New Bedford for dedicating an entire museum to this fabulous creature! Really, it's because New Bedford was a whaling town back in the day.
This whale skeleton was found on the beach in New Bedford. Random fact, whale bones are made of oil, so this large skeleton has been dripping oil since 2001, and is predicted to continue dripping oil well into 2060s. They have a little mechanism set up to catch the oil run off from the whale skeleton. Crazy, right?
Adam holding a whale rib bone |
The city of New Bedford |
Adam and I on a replica whaling ship. It was 1/2 size and I whacked my head really hard on the upper deck. |
Adam on the crew members bunk |
Harpoon gun |
I love when life hands you little surprises. We just happened to be in New Beford on the 15th Anniversary Celebration of the New Bedford Whaling Museum. There was a party and birthday cake, and crazy singing guys. We stopped by to check out the celebration. When we realized we were going to have to wait forever for the Mayor of New Beford to show up to cut the cake, we bailed. I guess we just didn't care that much.
P.S. Although I loved the whaling museums, I in no way condone the practice of whaling. I think it's super sad and inhumane. Granted, the museum was really cool. The End.
Cool. Adam makes such funny faces!
ReplyDeletehaha, i like this post. Whales are fun.