

Saturday, July 13, 2013

What's My Phone Been Up To?

I had a solo day at Roger Williams Park on Memorial Day. First frozen lemonade of the season.
 Adam celebrated his star birthday (31 on the 31). I took him to a surprise dinner.
 Adam's car broke down at work. I drove to MA to rescue him. Good times. 
 We went to the Gaspee Days Parade 2013. Pretty great. Also, there was a super big YW fundraiser we were also doing in conjunction with the parade. 

 I had a solo beach day. Loved it! I read an entire book. Of Mice and Men, if you were curious. 
 I found my name of a street sign in middle of nowhere RI.
 Adam and I got on breakfast/brunch kick which included hot cocoa and whipped cream. 
 I wore my house shoes to work. On accident. It was a good day. 
 Kristina and Cam came for a visit. It was a good time. 

 I found a dead jellyfish on the beach on our adventure to Portsmouth, RI. 
 We went to the Bristol Town Parade for July 4th. It's the oldest 4th of July parade in the country. It was sweaty. 

We watched fireworks from the bay. It was a romantic experience.

 I had a watermelon date with my friend Aubrey. She pampered me with swimming, nails and cupcakes!