

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Utah...People Working Together!

We finally made it back to Utah after leaving to RI one year ago. And now, for a photo synopsis of our my trip.
Adam and I went our separate ways after 2 days. Meaning, Adam stayed in Idaho and I stayed in Utah.

First item of business, cupcakes from Dippidee!

Not sure what this large white area is...I hate blogger sometimes.

Went to my 10 year HS reunion. It was lame! (these ladies aren't lame, but it was)
Kelli taught us how to look skinny in photos.
I don't think it worked. I look fat in both photos.
Hung out with Haylee, the little chatter box!
Met Carter for the first time, love him!
Had a family gathering and rode the giant slide. Forgot to take a family photo (lame). 

Hung out with Ethan who didn't talk much when I left, now I think we're BFF!

Went to Idaho for 1.5 days, dropped Adam off, saw the in-laws and went to a "zoo".     

Went to the Sweeet's Candy factory in SLC, with my sister her kids and mom.

Went boating for Pioneer Day with the family.

Had a few hang outs with Giffie...ordered every "small plate" at Tin Angel Cafe, and had fun at Snow Bird

Girls night out with mom, sisters and sister-in-law, "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" at Sundance. A very pleasant surprise...see Megan in the background  left hand side, middle)

Got lost trying to "hike" our way back to our car after the show. Good times. Felt like a pack of lost sheep.

 Ate some Cafe Rio! And rice pudding, thanks mom!

 Hung out with many girl friends,
 in between hanging out with my sisters and all the kiddies (best part by far!)

Hung out with Alex a million or more times and still didn't get my fill. Love that little guy!

I may or may not have cried the night before I left. I realized how much I miss all the nieces and nephews! I sure can't wait to see them all again and see how much they've grown and changed!


  1. It was fun seeing you! Glad you made it home safe. Feel a little sad that there are no pics of me... ahem.!!

  2. What a fun trip! It really is hard to be away from family...but it does make the times you see them really special!

  3. You're the favorite aunt, aren't you?
