

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Johnny Cakes, Yum!

I love Rhode Island and it's crazy festivals! I heard about a festival that celebrated johnny cakes. I had no idea what they were, only that true Rhody's loved 'em.
It was on my calendar last year to attend, but sadly, I forgot. So this year there was no way I was going to miss it!

It took place in somewhere southern RI. And, it was delicious! Isn't that really the only real reason to go to a festival? For the food? That's why I go.

You aren't official without your johnny cake wristband.

Wanna know what a johnny cake is? It's ground corn meal cooked on a skillet like a pancake. I liken it to the texture and flavor of Cream-of-Wheat in pancake form covered in buttery, syrupy goodness.

This is the mill where the corn is ground into meal. They use stone to grind the corn. 

The beautiful fall view by the mill.

Finally, the delicious festival food that Adam seems to be really in to. 

smoked salmon

sweet potato fries 

1 comment:

  1. Yum! I love RI and all the celebrations too! Next year I want to plan perfectly so that I can come for Water Fire and the cranberry fest. If thats possible...
