

Saturday, May 11, 2013

I Don't Even Know Anymore

Sooooo. . .There was this time where our ward was split a few weeks ago. Because of that split, we ended up being moved to one of two new branches that were formed in Rhode Island.

We have now started the Providence 2nd Branch.

This is our little branch, in our make shift building in down city Providence. It's a pretty good time.

Except for one tiny thing.

I'm now YW President. Awesome. Right? Nope.

I feel a bit stressed in my life these days. I guess that's what I get. Every time I spoke to a family member on the phone they would ask, "so what's new with you guys?" and I would say, "oh, you know, the usual, work and school. Work and school. Nothing ever changes around here".

Haha. Funny right?

Now I guess I can say, "keeping busy, church consumes my life 7 out of 7 days per week".

Okay, bad attitude is now in check. Check back with me in a few months, I'll probably have a really awesome attitude. Check with me in a few years when I'm being released. I'll probably be in tears saying, "don't release me! No! Not primary again!" Until then, I reserve the right to complain on my blog.

End of story.


  1. You'll be awesome! You made a great RS pres...and look at us now BFFs! Love you!

  2. You did a post! Yay! Good luck with the calling. It's ok, I complain about my callings too....still. But you'll learn to love the things about it. Love ya!

  3. A) This is probably a good thing, since I would have kept you in primary. FOREVER.
    B) At least you're consumed by your new calling. I kind of put mine on hold until classes are over.
    C) You're exactly what those girls need!

  4. Haha you make me laugh! I just got put into YW too but i'm the beehive advisor, which still stresses me out! Good luck you'll be great!

  5. I'm been in for just over a year and it's fabulous! I have had the most spiritual experiences of my life while doing it. Just give it a try.
