

Monday, October 31, 2011


That about sums it up.


  1. :( I'm sorry. If it helps I really like RI and the fact that you live there. I think its awesome. Miss you! Sending you hugs and lots of fun high fives!

  2. Julie I know exactly how you feel. I have been feeling that same way these past few weeks. I get especially sad whenever I walk around ANY store and see everything out for the holidays. I don't know how I am going to make it through Thanksgiving and Christmas without seeing family and being home for everything involving tradition and familiarity. If you want to at least see someone from home, I am here anytime! Did you get the message I sent you on Facebook? We would love to have you and Adam over for Thanksgiving if you are going to be around and if you haven't got any more exciting places to be. Let me know. Paul works this week at night but he has the weekend off, you guys wanna come over for dinner and games, either Saturday or Sunday night would work for us? Let me know on that too! Hope you get feeling a little better.

  3. Sorry to hear that Juls. We love you and will miss you at dinner tomorrow. Just think of all the amazing places you guys visit and all of the fun things you do! Utah doesn't have that much fun going on!!! we are boring here...well for the most part!! I had an awesome dream about you around 3 nights ago. It was funny. Adam and your sissy Christine were in it too, but that is all i can remember right now. I just remember waking up and laughing and thinking that was weird!!

  4. I've been there. And I'm heading there. Hang in there!

  5. Hi Julie! Thanks for finding my blog. Yours is way cute by the way. I like the yellow sparklies. I'm glad you and Adam are in RI because you guys are so fun to hang out with! Thanks for being good friends.
