

Friday, July 22, 2011

So the Journey Begins

The day before we left for Rhode Island was filled with tears. Mostly from me, but also from the great state of Utah. It rained that day, and I like to believe it was crying for us because it knew it was loosing it's coolest residents. Then, Utah gave us a final gift. A beautiful sunset on our last night there.
Then I had to say goodbye to this beauty. I played one final song, and cried the entire time. I cry now, as I think about leaving her in Utah.
Day 1, Wednesday morning, we left pretty early. I made it out, without too many tears. I basically slept through Wyoming (do you blame me?) while Adam drove. Nebraska and Iowa brought a lot of farms, fields, cows, corn and windmills.
Let's take a moment to talk about humidity. It and I do not agree. Humidity + Julie x Sweat = MISERY!
Thursday, Day 2, we made it to Illinois. I used to like Illinois, when I visited Chicago with Adam 2 years ago. Driving I-80, stopped for an hour in construction, 99 degrees outside, 90% humidity, air conditioning not working, hottest temperatures in the Midwest for the year, made me re-think my love of Illinois.
See how pissed off I look?
It is now on my bad list. Things got worse in Indiana, when I was driving and had to face the turn-pike. Also, the Alero (my vehicle) got a nice, fat, rock chip from a stupid car from Illinois. Strike two for Illinois!
We finally made it to Ohio. It was a nice state. However, the air conditioning was still not working, and I ended up looking like this at the end of day 2.
Friday, day 3, started out pretty great. We stopped by the Kirtland Temple for a quick look.
Then once we got into New York, we detoured to Niagara Falls. It was sure amazing!
This is not a professional photo. I took it!
We continued our drive East through New York. I was amazed by all of the trees. I had never seen so many before! I was loving it!
See the rock chip? Right above the white line.

Finally, we drove through Massachusetts. And last but not least, made it to Rhode Island! It's hot and humid, but not as bad as Iowa. We'll start apartment shopping tomorrow, and with any luck find something soon!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah I'm so glad you made it! Looks like you made some awesome stops to cool places. I can't wait to come visit :)
